Securing donations from generous patrons is rewarding but challenging, so we’ve made doubling those dollars with gift matching easy.
What are Matching Gifts?
How Matching
Gifts Work
Donor Makes
A Gift
Donor Submits
Matching Gift Request
To Company
Approves Request
Your Organization
Receives Funds
Of companies, including
Fortune 500 companies,
offer matching gift
Of donors say they’re
more likely to give if a
match is offered
In matching gift funds
go unclaimed per year
Of your donors are
matching gift eligible
Matching Gift
Auto Match
Amplify affinity automatically. Automatically identify matching gift eligible donors in your database, track their donations, and follow-up via customized, branded emails until the paperwork is complete.
Automatically identify and track match eligible donors, both online and offline
Connect your team with previously anonymous matching gift revenue
Link updated matching gift policy information, as well as matching gift revenue, back into your CRM
Tie every donation back to your gift processing system with seamless integrations
Utilize the admin dashboard to track and manage the status of every opportunity in real-time and gain insights into the health of your matching gifts program
Match Lookup
Give donors and your development team access to the most robust gift matching program database in the world. Double the dollars donated with employer-specific forms, guidelines, and contact info all one click away.
Embed your eMatch Donor Link within minutes with our easy-to-use widget.
Allow donors to search for their employer before, during, or after making a gift to see if their company will match
Donors can use the auto-populating dropdown to find the standardized Company Name ensuring the match
Tap into Affinaquest’s proprietary database of 23,000 corporate matching gift policies, updated in real-time.
Place employer lookup online anywhere on your site and in as many locations as you’d like.
Promote matching gifts to online donors, giving them instant access to their employer-specific login, match forms, and match guidelines